Thursday, July 21, 2011

Auntie Trish and Uncle Alex's new place

Last Sunday we went in to the city to see Auntie Trisha and Uncle Alex's new apartment! They moved in Memorial Day weekend and were brave enough to invite the whole crew down. Yes, the whole crew consisting of Auntie Pam and Snowy, Grandma and Jessie, Auntie, Uncle Chris, Andrew, and Emma, and then Daddy, Joey, Jillian, and myself. Java kept cool and calm at home. Later in the evening Auntie Tiff, John, and his dog also showed up! It was quite the housewarming party and I think we really broke the place in for them! We hope to be invited back again! The kids really had a blast, thank you Auntie Trish for the fun coloring activities, and for allowing so many dogs and kids in your place at one time! The food was fantastic! Auntie Trish did all the cooking inside where you'd think she had been living in her place for years, and Uncle Alex braved the heat grilling some tasty food for everyone! Thank you so much for a fun, fun night!

1 comment:

Christy said...

We'll never be invited back, so thanks Trish and Alex!! Maybe we will be, but the dogs will not for sure!!