Memorial Day weekend was also Daddy's birthday, so we took a road trip from nap time on Sunday to nap time on Monday to visit Purdue, aka "Daddy's school." The kids did really well on the trip up there, Jillian slept most of the time, but Joey was excited to see all the farms and point out the cows. He also saw a windmill farm that wasn't there when Daddy was going to school, so it was fun to see the miles of windmills. We walked around campus, and unfortunately a lot was closed due to the holiday weekend, and our arrival in the afternoon on a Sunday, but we still got to walk around and see all things Purdue. We did hit one bookstore that was open to get some more Purdue gear. Joey and Jillian just loved running around campus, looking at the clock tower, the fountains, and the bridges and other fountain off campus. Monday we got to see the West Lafayette Memorial Day parade, Joey loved seeing the firetrucks and army vehicles. When asked, Joey says he liked the pool best at Daddy's school....hmm, I don't remember that hotel being there before either! It was a good trial run for our Disney trip!
We came home and went over to Auntie's house for a holiday cookout and celebration of Uncle Chris and Daddy's birthdays. Yummy!
The pictures are a little out of goes from Monday back to Sunday, but I'm not savvy enough to fix it!
And on a final note, I wanted to share this little poem that I had gotten when Joey started school. I didn't cry when I dropped him off his first day (he did plenty on his own) and I didn't feel bad that day at all. The next week I had received a folder with some of his school stuff in it: a calendar, list of what he'll be doing, etc. and also this poem that in reading made me think of Josh, how Joey is growing up, how Jillian will be right behind him in school, and how time just goes too fast; what may seem like the littlest things are so important. This was the "my kid is going to school" tear jerker for me, and I had posted this on my fridge with all the kids pictures, but wanted to leave it here as well since this is more of the scrapbook these days. I know a lot of kids are getting out of school for the summer, graduating, maybe starting their first job, and this poem just hits me a little each time I read it, or see my kids "just playing"...
Just Playing When I'm building in the block area,
please don't say I'm "Just Playing."
For, you see, I'm learning as I play,
About balance, I may be an architect someday.
When I'm getting all dressed up,
Setting the table, caring for the babies,
Don't get the idea I'm "Just Playing."
I may be a mother or a father someday.
When you see me up to my elbows in paint,
Or standing at an easel, or molding and shaping clay,
Please don't let me hear you say, "He is Just Playing."
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I just might be a teacher someday.
When you see me engrossed in a puzzle or some "playing" at my school,
Please don't feel the time is wasted in "play."
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm learning to solve problems and concentrate.
I may be in business someday.
When you see me cooking or tasting foods,
Please don't think that because I enjoy it, it is "Just Play."
I'm learning to follow directions and see the differences.
I may be a cook someday.
When you see me learning to skip, hop, run, and move my body,
Please don't say I'm "Just Playing."
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm learning how my body works.
I may be a doctor, nurse, or athlete someday.
When you ask me what I've done at school today,
And I say, "I just played."
Please don't misunderstand me.
For, you see, I'm learning as I play.
I'm learning to enjoy and be successful in my work.
I'm preparing for tomorrow.
Today, I am a child and my work is play.