Today Joey went for his 18 month checkup and Jillian for her 5 day check. It was fun to have two kids back in the car with us, and taking up room in the doctor's office. Both are doing really well. While still on the skinny side, Joey is following his growth curve really well and is catching up quickly with his height. He received a few shots today, but took them like a champ, showing his little sister how to be brave. Jillian did not have any shots today, but did well during her check up too. They both got a clean bill of health. Jillian will be back in a week and a half for her 2 week appointment, but all is going well. The two of them were pretty worn out after the appointment and fell asleep before we got home.
P.S. Happy Birthday Auntie Christy!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! Glad that Joey is on the chart!! Let' hope that she doesn't surpass Joey!
They are so sweet, I can see how much they look alike in this picture, adorable!
Crystal and Eva
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