Crystal has set the date for her 2nd Bowling for CHARGErs event. This year it is the weekend after Joshua's Charge for CHARGE 5K, so it will be a great way to unwind from the race and have some fun. Crystal put together a website to keep everyone updated on the bowling fundraiser, and on it is the video montage she so nicely put together in remembrance of Josh, as well as a montage of last year's event, and a lot of other great stuff. Please check it out, and if you can save the date! Here is the website:
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A Fun Weekend
Friday night we took Joey and Jillian out to Uncle Don and Auntie Steph's house to help celebrate Uncle Don's birthday. Joey had a blast running around and playing with Uncle Kevin and Uncle Mikey. He was showing off some of his toys, playing with pillows, giving hugs to Baby, and just getting crazy running around and showing them how much energy he has! Jillian was very good too, she stayed awake for part of the ride out and was pretty wakeful most of the time that we were there. She enjoyed the company as well as all of the love and attention! Thanks for a fun night out!
On Saturday we had Uncle Paul, Aunt Katherine, Ben, Abbey, and Juliette over for breakfast. The kids played well together and ate at their own little table. It was really cute. Abbey and all the boys went downstairs to play games while all the other girls stayed upstairs where it was a little quieter. Thanks for coming over, Joey was beat from playing so hard, and Jillian was glad to be snuggled and held by Auntie Katherine!
Sunday (today) we made it out for Jillian's first mass experience. We made it in before mass started which was great, and both Joey and Jillian were excellent the whole time! Afterwards we went for a late breakfast and we're relaxing the rest of the day before Daddy goes back to work tomorrow after being off since Jillian was born!
On Saturday we had Uncle Paul, Aunt Katherine, Ben, Abbey, and Juliette over for breakfast. The kids played well together and ate at their own little table. It was really cute. Abbey and all the boys went downstairs to play games while all the other girls stayed upstairs where it was a little quieter. Thanks for coming over, Joey was beat from playing so hard, and Jillian was glad to be snuggled and held by Auntie Katherine!
Sunday (today) we made it out for Jillian's first mass experience. We made it in before mass started which was great, and both Joey and Jillian were excellent the whole time! Afterwards we went for a late breakfast and we're relaxing the rest of the day before Daddy goes back to work tomorrow after being off since Jillian was born!
Friday, January 22, 2010
It's a Beautiful Thing...
when Joey and Jillian nap at the same time! This happened for an overlapping time of 45 minutes Thursday afternoon and it was so great to have the free time to get some things done around the house while the prince and princess were fast asleep!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Jillian at 3 weeks
Ok, so 2 weeks have gone by with no updating, sorry about that! Everyone has been doing great. Joey continues to be concerned for Jillian, wanting to feed her, share his toys, and be apart of everything. Jillian is still learning her sleep schedule, but doing better. We think she has been going through a little growth spurt since she was eating every hour around the clock yesterday! She has been filling out as well, and at her 2 week appointment she had gained 13 ounces in only 9 days! Watch out Joey, she's going to catch up fast!
During the past couple weeks we have had some fun visitors. First Auntie Trish came over to watch Jillian and help out with Joey. Jillian enjoyed time with her Godmother-to-be and Auntie Trish made her the coziest, cutest blanket which she uses quite a bit.
This past Friday Nicole came over to babysit Joey and Jillian while we got some things done around the house. Joey remembered Nicole right away and started showing off all of his toys and playing with her. Jillian got her attention as well and Nicole did great with the two of them. Sorry, we forgot to pull out the camera! Saturday our neighbors came over to meet Jillian. Joey loves playing with all of them, so he had a blast, and Jillian took her turn with everyone as well. Unfortunately Jillian slept most of the time, but we know soon enough she will be throwing basketballs on their lawn and enticing them to play with her just like Joey! Thanks Aubrie for the yummy cookies too...they didn't make it past Sunday, they were very good!
Not much else happening here. We tried getting Jillian, Joey, and Java together for a picture, but Jillian was not in the best mood. Joey really enjoyed holding his sister though, and of course leaning against Java! This is Daddy's last week of leave before going back (to the basement) and we'll miss him playing all day!
During the past couple weeks we have had some fun visitors. First Auntie Trish came over to watch Jillian and help out with Joey. Jillian enjoyed time with her Godmother-to-be and Auntie Trish made her the coziest, cutest blanket which she uses quite a bit.
This past Friday Nicole came over to babysit Joey and Jillian while we got some things done around the house. Joey remembered Nicole right away and started showing off all of his toys and playing with her. Jillian got her attention as well and Nicole did great with the two of them. Sorry, we forgot to pull out the camera! Saturday our neighbors came over to meet Jillian. Joey loves playing with all of them, so he had a blast, and Jillian took her turn with everyone as well. Unfortunately Jillian slept most of the time, but we know soon enough she will be throwing basketballs on their lawn and enticing them to play with her just like Joey! Thanks Aubrie for the yummy cookies too...they didn't make it past Sunday, they were very good!
Not much else happening here. We tried getting Jillian, Joey, and Java together for a picture, but Jillian was not in the best mood. Joey really enjoyed holding his sister though, and of course leaning against Java! This is Daddy's last week of leave before going back (to the basement) and we'll miss him playing all day!
Joshua's Journeys #29 Bronch
On January 9 Joshua had a bronchoscopy done at Children's to take a look at his airway, in hopes to wean him from the trach. Since he had to go under for this procedure we also had an ABR done to test his hearing, after putting tubes in his ears. So it was kinda like a 3 for 1 deal in terms of having to be put under. I took Josh early in the morning for this outpatient procedure and it was a very long day. He did really well, although it is never easy to see your son in recovery looking like a bit of a mess. When I spoke to Josh's ENT (who we really like a great deal) it was determined that Josh has a "complicated" airway and to wean from the trach would not be possible at this point. However we had the hope of trying another bronchoscopy in 6 months and see if it was possible at that point. 6 months would mean July and my goal was to have Josh trach free by one year. So I decided he would have the bronch in June and if we could be weaning by his birthday I'd count it! In terms of hearing it was determined that the tubes would not be very helpful, and the results of the hearing tests proved Josh had profound hearing loss meaning he could hear a jet plane if he was standing right next to it, probably could feel the vibrations more than anything. This was not all that upsetting to us though as we had taken sign language classes in October and November because we knew he was going to have some hearing loss. We had been working with both boys on simple signs, but now we knew we would use it quite a bit more. The day at Children's was not a loss, we came out with some good information and some hope for good progress in the future. It was my first experience down at Children's with Josh as an outpatient and I will say I was not very impressed with the facilities. As we get into Josh's longer stays at Children's I'm sure more of our disappointments with Children's will come out (there were some good things too though), but we have grown to love Central DuPage and we're glad its our hospital.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Jillian is now 1 week old!
Jillian is now 1 week old, hard to believe a whole week has gone by already! She has been doing great, sleeping as expected for a newborn. She has great neck strength and is already lifting up and sometimes turning her head for a second or two. When changing her she is feisty with strong kicking legs and arms. She is one tough cookie! She also shows a lot of her feminine side with her sweet smiles and soft cries. I didnt't think I'd be a girly girl kinda mom, but we put her in all pink the other day- bow in her hair and all (thanks Gigi!).
Joey continues to adapt well. He still enjoys helping with feedings, and has also been busy around the house. He has been painting, coloring, cooking, and playing video games too!
Joey continues to adapt well. He still enjoys helping with feedings, and has also been busy around the house. He has been painting, coloring, cooking, and playing video games too!
Joshua's Journeys #28- Save the Date!

Save the Date for the 2nd Annual Joshua Kurby Charge for CHARGE 5K run/walk. I was able to solidify a date with our race timers and the pavilion rental at Armstrong Park. Please mark your calendars, the 2nd Annual Joshua Kurby Charge for CHARGE 5K run/walk will be held on Saturday, August 14, 2010!
If you would like to volunteer, please let me know!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Doctor's Visit
Today Joey went for his 18 month checkup and Jillian for her 5 day check. It was fun to have two kids back in the car with us, and taking up room in the doctor's office. Both are doing really well. While still on the skinny side, Joey is following his growth curve really well and is catching up quickly with his height. He received a few shots today, but took them like a champ, showing his little sister how to be brave. Jillian did not have any shots today, but did well during her check up too. They both got a clean bill of health. Jillian will be back in a week and a half for her 2 week appointment, but all is going well. The two of them were pretty worn out after the appointment and fell asleep before we got home.
P.S. Happy Birthday Auntie Christy!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Back Home!
Yesterday afternoon we were discharged from the hospital and made it home...I think it was the coldest day this winter, but Jillian stayed bundled and Daddy warmed the car up well for her. Thanks to all of our many visitors, e-mails, phone calls, and well wishes for welcoming Jillian. A big thank you to Auntie Christy, Uncle Chris, and Andrew for taking care of Joey while we were at the hospital. We knew Joey was having a lot of fun, and barely missed us at all!
Jillian rang in the new year wearing her new outfit from Auntie Bethany, and screaming for a midnight snack! She must've been getting ready for her big photo shoot on New Year's Day. She did really well with the camera lady for her photo sitting. On the 2nd we were discharged from the hospital and Jillian came home to meet Java, see her brother in his element, and learn the lay of the land here.
Joey has been a good big brother (today he is 18 months!), he is always concerned when she cries and enjoys helping with her feedings. He has shown her the bouncy chair, turning the sound and lights on and off, and is quick to let us know if we need to tend to her. He has had his bouts of jealousy, but for the most part he is doing great.
Jillian rang in the new year wearing her new outfit from Auntie Bethany, and screaming for a midnight snack! She must've been getting ready for her big photo shoot on New Year's Day. She did really well with the camera lady for her photo sitting. On the 2nd we were discharged from the hospital and Jillian came home to meet Java, see her brother in his element, and learn the lay of the land here.
Joey has been a good big brother (today he is 18 months!), he is always concerned when she cries and enjoys helping with her feedings. He has shown her the bouncy chair, turning the sound and lights on and off, and is quick to let us know if we need to tend to her. He has had his bouts of jealousy, but for the most part he is doing great.
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