Trisha was Joshua’s Godmother and chosen before he was even born. At the end of April in 2008, I was still on bed rest, but needed to get out of the living room prison, so Trisha, Auntie Pam, my mom, Christy, Chris, Andrew, Phil and myself went out to breakfast. At breakfast I handed Trisha and Christy (because of Joey-don’t forget twin B!) Mother’s Day cards (Chris got one too from Josh, but not a Mother’s Day card, a different one for him). I think Christy knew what was coming, Trisha read the outside of the card and looked at her mom (my Godmother) and said “I think this is supposed to be for you.” She did open it and saw that it was really for her, and with a bright, big smile said “Oh my gosh, I’m going to be a Godmother!” And with that she embraced all that Josh had to offer, and boy did he have a lot going on!
Trisha loved Josh from the very beginning and has been there for him and our family through everything. She came to the NICU to see him shortly after his birth, and tears filled her eyes as she welcomed with loving arms her Godson into her life. She knew he was going to have a challenging and special life, but Trisha was up for it all. She made him feel so loved and included in everything.
Trisha made a special trip in from Michigan to attend his emergency baptism before he was trached. She visited when she was in town at every chance she could. She was always proud of Josh, displaying pictures at school and home, talking about him to others, and making sure he was part of the gang with a Western Michigan t-shirt. She even had Alex visit him in the NICU as well. You could tell by Josh’s eyes he admired Alex's bravery being in Iraq, was impressed by him, and felt honored to meet him.
Trisha was never afraid to jump in with both feet. She visited him at home as well, and held him every chance she could. Being one of the first calls after all procedures, Trisha was always interested in Josh’s latest surgeries, accomplishments, and hurdles. She was one of his biggest cheerleaders and would do most anything for him. Upon hearing that Josh was most likely deaf with profound hearing loss and going to get cochlear implants later down the line, Trisha took it upon herself to take a sign language class her last semester of school. Most people would take a blow off class, but Trisha was always thinking of Joshua. Trisha was one of the first to hear that devastating night that Joshua passed. Without many words, Trisha knew. She had a connection with Josh, and just knew. She rearranged exams and drove in to be there once again for Joshua and all of us. Along with Chris, his Godfather, she ever so gracefully offered the gifts at church, and had one of the hardest jobs through the services of being a pallbearer and help bring him to his resting place.
Before he was buried we placed over his casket a bear angel that played music. Trisha had gotten that for him when he was baptized, it was always on his changing table, and we played it for him often, so he could watch the wings and arms of the bear moving. He smiled at it; I’m sure in thinking of his Auntie Trish.
Trisha still talks about Joshua, not only to me, but to others , for example she drove home from Michigan to look into some internships and jobs with some people from one of her classes and told them about Joshua. She is still willing to share and talk about his life, which makes us so happy and allows us to know he is living on with others as well. Joshua loves her so much and is always looking after her. He has already visited her in her dreams and is always smiling down on her.
Joshua loves you, is so proud of you, and is always there for you Auntie Trisha. Congratulations, we all love you!
Oh you guys thank you so much for the post! You just had to make me cry didn't you!!
I love and miss Josh so much. I think about him everyday when I look at his many pictures on and around my desk.
He is always in my thoughts and will continue to be for the rest of my life.
Can't wait to see you guys when I come home. I will officially a college grad :)
WOW!! Its always great to hear about such amazing people who take on our kids who really do not have to but want to.
What a blessing!!
Crystal and Eva
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