Just wanted to remind everyone that the Inaugural Joshua Kurby Charge for CHARGE 5K run/walk is coming soon...August 1! I am so excited, and very nervous, for this day. We will definitely be breaking the 100 mark for participants which is so exciting for a first year event! I will be posting pictures after the race, so check back in another week.
This weekend we are attending the CHARGE conference. When Josh was first diagnosed in the NICU we were quick to get online and learn all we could about CHARGE. Right away we saw that the CHARGE conference, a biannual event, was going to be in our backyard- Bloomingdale! We thought it was a sign for sure, since years prior it was much further away- California and Florida.
We are very excited to go to the conference, be surrounded by the comfort of the CHARGE community that we have grown into, step back for a moment and see the world we have become so involved in, appreciate once again all of Josh's accomplishments and success as well as valiant obstacles he's overcome, and definitely learn a lot more about what Josh's life on earth may have been like, and what we'd be working towards now, and in the future.
***On a quick Joey note...Joey has been walking on his own now! He is consistently taking 16 + steps all on his own, sometimes trying to run, but that lands him on the floor pretty quickly. He is getting more confident every day!***
We so wish we could be there! We'll be there in spirit while doing some jogging in our hotel room!
It was so great to see you over the weekend and we will see you on Saturday!!
Crystal and Eva
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