Today we had Joey's 2 year and Jillian's 6 month appointments. Ok, so Jillian isn't 6 months until next week, and Joey has a week and a half, but we went today. The last time we were there it was just for Jillian and Joey was very clingy and had a very hard time even though he was not looked at. This time both Jill and Joey did great. Jillian was her smiley self, even laughing at the nurse listening to her heart. Joey enjoyed stepping on the ducks on the scale for his weight. The doctor was very impressed with Jillian's sitting abilities and of course her eating abilities too! He told us since she is sitting so well we can start introducing finger foods already as well as a cup! We actually tried a cup last night and have been giving her Biter Biscuits now and then, but now we can really get into it! The doctor was also impressed with Joey's potty training progress. The doctor started off giving us some sheets on potty training and talked about how to know if a child is ready to start potty training, when Phil interrupted him and told him that Joey goes peeps in the potty pretty regularly. We are just working on number 2, and the doctor was very happy to hear that. Good job Joey!
Ok, so what you've all been waiting for...their stats! Jillian is a big girl, but consistently following her growth curve:
Weight: 17 pounds, 14 ounces putting her at the 88%ile (same %ile as her 4 month check)
Height: 26 1/2 inches putting her at the 76%ile
Joey's growth curve is more of a straight line. He has skyrocketed for his growth even though he is still a little guy. Remember he started off no where near the growth chart at all, so he is doing great catching up.
Weight: 24 pounds in the 9%ile (last time he was in the 6%ile)
Height: 32 3/4 inches 18%ile
Great job both of them!! I love her hair in the pic...LOL! Little mohawk.
Cool dude in his shades and cool sittin-up-by-herself baby sister casually reading books waiting for the doctor.'s that for easy going?! Great stats too.
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