I guess we've either been lax about posting, or we've been very busy. I am going to go in chronological order here of what has been happening starting with the most recent.
Thursday, May 14
Just this morning the memory tree for Joshua was planted behind our house. It is only perfect timing since today is 2 months since our beautiful baby boy had to leave. Our wonderful neighbors and friends got together to have the tree planted for us. It will be a great way to remember Joshua, and to look out our kitchen window and smile knowing that we are surrounded by love. We have learned that our neighbors really are like family. They have brought us meals, called, e-mailed, invited us out, and have made us laugh and smile. We are so lucky to have all of you.
Thank you for everyone who helped with the tree planting: The Weiss', Sole's, Sawicki's, Baranowski's, Laschinski's, Mashal's, Wilson's, Berg's, and Chakos.
Tuesday, May 12
Today Joey and Mommy went out to Grandma's house to see her and Andrew. It was a nice warm day, so we went to the park, and camped out on the lawn to watch GG Joe take out Grandma's lilac bush (very sad day for Grandma)
Sunday, May 10
For Mother's Day we were treated to a big, big brunch at the country club. Uncle Chris set us up with a great table for brunch and then took us on a golf cart tour. Of course, Daddy got his new hat from the pro shop that he absolutely loves...he says the hat was made for his head!
Saturday, May 9
Today, before celebrating Mother's Day with Nonna and Auntie Steph, we did a 2.5 mile walk for Easter Seals- Run For the Kids. Mommy didn't run, although she'd have like to, but she slowed to a walking pace with Daddy, Grandma, Auntie Christy, and Andrew and Joey in the wagon. Andrew did finish on foot- Joey however stayed in the wagon most of the time. It was great being back at Easter Seals where I spent some time with Joshua to get fitted for his hearing aids, and also to meet with the parent liason there. It is a wonderful community of people, and a great organization. Joshua would have spent a lot of time there and would have learned and done a whole lot because of them.
Monday, May 4
Now that Joey is a pretty good sitter, Daddy was itching to get a picture of him up on the arcade machine. (Don't worry one of us was always there squatting down with one hand up in case he lost his balance!)
Saturday, April 25
This post is way past due. We made it out to see the Klinger's new home. It was really nice, and we of course had great company. Joey is already looking up to Uncle Mikey and Uncle Kevin. Once Joey warmed up to Uncle Don he remembered he had a spot on his lap where he fit so comfortably. And Auntie Steph had the magic touch to put him to sleep.